(pen - SEEVE - ih - tee)

In the
Harry Potter series (and if you're not familiar with my pal Har-man, please send me an email because WE NEED TO TALK), a Pensieve is a stone receptacle used to
store and review memories. Covered in mystic runes, it contains memories that take physical form as a type of matter that is described as neither liquid nor gas. A witch or wizard can extract their own or another person’s memories, store them in the Pensieve, and review them later. It also
relieves the mind when it becomes cluttered with information. Anyone can examine the memories in the Pensieve, which also allows
viewers to fully immerse themselves in the memories stored within. (from wikipedia.com)
Welcome to my thoughts.
Great title! Although I am a bit sad you didn't got with Bend it like Becks ;)
This one is much better.
Perfect title! I wish I'd thought of it!!
Good luck with the move, and I'll look forward to hearing from you when you get here!!
Perfect blog name... love the picture!!!
Can't wait until you move!!!
Awesomely perfect new blog title. Good luck with the move my bloggy friend.
What a great new blog title!!! Love it! Good luck with the move!!!
Hang in there... glad to have your new blog.. do not want to lose you.
Great name!
I knew there was a reason I never read HP. Or could ever stay awake during a movie of it. That totally made my brain hurt. I am very simple-minded. Forgive me. =)
I love this title . . . and I love the idea of a pensieve. Some posts, or other things I write, seem to clutter my brain until I finally commit them to paper, virtual or actual. The pensieve is an excellent metaphor for the blog. Thanks!
(Don't worry, I've read H-Pot. Repeatedly.)
oh man, now I'm SURE I'm your biggest fan, because I'm more than slightly obsessed with Harry Potter and I was wondering if your title was referring to the pensieve :)...
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