Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blog Fodder Round One

A thousand thank-ye's to the many who so selflessly helped me to be selfish for a few more posts. Salutations and gratitudes.

I think I'm going to go the rattle-em-off route:

Fig: Every part of my anatomy has swollen to twice its usual size - except for the one feature I wouldn't mind being bigger. (It is severely unfair.)

(where's the dang webcam?)

Kristina P: If I could live anywhere, it would be wherever my family is. And hopefully they would be somewhere with beaches, mountains and forests, as well as four months summer, four months fall, three months spring and one month winter. If you find such a place, let me know.

(oh, there it is)

Rachel Sue: What drives me craziest in the blog world? The comparisons. The "holy freak she has hundreds of followers and I don't!" and the thinking everyone else is cool besides you. But maybe that's just women in general.

(ooo! a webcam!)
Danielle asked what I do to keep my kids entertained all day. We play. We go to the park and out for walks quite a bit. Errands always take up a ridiculous amount of time. I also go to a scripture-study class once a week (it has childcare), and I'm part of a temple group where we take turns watching one another's kids while the other two go to the temple. So once a week I'm either baby-sitting or at the temple.

On the "off-days," ... We play. We play on the tramp. We play ball. We play cars. We play zoo. We go to the lake and feed the ducks. We pile into a chair and read books. We have lots of playdates and visits and serving others. We play a lot a lot a lot of games - Cherry-O, Go Fish, Candyland, Cat and the Hat. Puzzles and I Spy and dominoes and fort-building and riding bikes. We cook (they love pounding bread.) We draw. We play-dough. We glitter. We trace.

And every afternoon we take a nap.

(this is what I do)

Kimberly: If the stars aligned and we had a kid-free day together, we'd do NOTHING. Perhaps cook some delicious chocolate recipes in the kitchen. Perhaps get free facials and massages and the full spa treatment (the stars are aligned, yes?) But mostly - we would NOT do dishes, NOT do laundry, NOT supervise children, NOT do anything we normally do. We would just talk until our tongues are sore and laugh until our bellies ache and grin until our cheeks no longer move.

That's what we'd do.

(my lips are well chap-sticked. and luckily my nose is clean.)

Kathy: Clinical strength deodorant. Pros: I don't stink. Cons: I still sweat like I'm being paid to do it. And it stains my clothes yellow. And yet I still put it on every morning.

(hi, mascara!)

Nikki: That really is me in the profile picture. I was the stake director of Girls Camp at the time. I think that explains the shaving cream.

I am 5'7" on the dot. Thank goodness you didn't ask my weight.

I am due April 1st. But we don't say April 1st. We say "the end of March." Because March 31st sounds EONS closer than April 1st. (EIGHT WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!! And I'm totally justified in at least another twenty exclamation points.)

I have no allergies. Though freshly cut grass makes me itch, even if I'm just walking by it. (Does this happen to everybody?)

I pronounce my blog name pen-seeve-uh-tee. Though frankly I never pronounce it. That's just how George does it when he's filing that particular paper.

(my parents paid for these)

The Wingnut's: I love low-fat JIF peanut butter. Not because I'm all for low-fat. Oh, no no no. Because it really does taste better. Nuttier. Thicker. Yummier. I just wish they sold it in the big containers.

(i'm watching you. okay. i'm not.)

Harmony: I have no idea how many tiles are on my kitchen floor. I try not to look at it. The shiny dried milk drips and petrified cheerios do nothing for my self esteem. I'm also incapable of making something interesting if I'm expected to. Apologies.

(act like you don't know the camera is there, and suck in the double chin)

Thank one, thank all! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I need to go to bed.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Love the photos! Fun to know you a little better. Hey, I commented on your Mormon Woman spotlight today. Cool!

Amy said...

I thought of one more... So I remember growing up you had an attachment to a particular blanket. You claimed at the time when you got married you would make it into a pillow so you could always keep it close on hand. What ever happened to said blanket? Is it a pillow on your bed or stored safely in a box somewhere?

Fig said...

Put on your clinical strength deodorant at night before bed. Don't miss any nights.


Kristina P. said...

Hey let me know if you find that dream place too!

Rachel Sue said...

You're on Mormon Woman today? I must head in that direction . . .

And I kind of think that is women in general. Sad, but true.

Unknown said...

It really IS all women. Why do we do that? I must have missed the "ask me a question" post, but having harrassed you mercilessly via e-mail recently, I'll cut you a break and refrain from asking anything. For now!

April 1 is an AWESOME birthday. Go to your date, go to your date!!

Unknown said...

Off to clean my floors, try some lowfat peanut butter and clinical strength deoderant.
I can only hope 8 weeks goes by fast for you!

annie valentine said...

This was so enlightening, I don't think I even need to read my scriptures today.

Wonder Woman said...

I'm due March 1, but I've been saying end of February for months now. I like it much better.

I get yellow stains, too. And I don't use prescription strength stuff. (Maybe I should...?)

My lady lumps don't get bigger, either.

Charloe said...

Hey That Girl! You should have your doctor write you a prescription for Drysol. It stops the sweating! Seriously. I have not sweated (? is that a word?) for 10 years now. No stains, no more smelly pits. Lovely, lovely stuff!

Qait said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

You're tempting me to research airfare prices. Sigh. That sounds luverly...

Hilary said...

Yeah, I'm due July 1st, but say "end of June." I'm afraid it'll all backfire though, as we'll hit my due date, and I'll be all, "I'm a MONTH overdue! It's JULY, I was supposed to have this kid in JUNE!" :-) I've told my husband that if we get into July I'll feel amazingly picked on, even though my actual due date technically falls in that month.