Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things you can learn on an airplane if you really pay attention

  • Everything you ever wanted to know about gay rights
  • Divorce laws and loopholes in Ohio
  • Birth control options for a fourteen-year-old
  • Pros and cons for the baby-food diet
  • How to talk yourself up a grade in a college biology class
  • What the mayor of Boston looks like with vomit all over him
  • Some really interesting sexual positions


Megan said...

I think that tops my flight when I sat between a gay couple... *giggle*

kristi said...

Funny funny!!!! By the way, I still owe you for lunch. Sorry I forgot to give it to you before you left :( Miss you

Jan said...

What airline is that? That sounds very entertaining. Ha ha... What an educational flight. You got your moneys worth :)

I don't get how people get so zonkered on flights. It really is amazing the things that come up.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Wow... you must have been flying first class!

Unknown said...

Do you just marvel at what people are willing to discuss in front of strangers? I think it's a lot more fun to create an entirely new persona just for the people sitting across the aisle. I'll say to my husband, "Is it still oozing? I told you not to feed that thing enchiladas. Maybe next time you'll listen to me instead of your psychic. Like she knows anything about...oh, here comes the stewardess. I hope they serve Ginger Ale..."

Erin said...

That wasn't all learned from the same person, right? Or did you just have a really chatty seatmate? Yikes.

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

Oh my goodness! I do wonder about what goes through people's minds when they decided to drink- if they have ever watched anyone else then you would think they would stay far, far away- Well, at least you weren't bored- :)

gigi said...

I love to talk so I'll be sure to avoid the alcohol when flying. Or just about anytime :)

Tamra Watson said...

Not what I wanted to know on an early Monday morning.

Brittany Ann said...

Sounds....educational. I'll have to listen better when I'm on my next vacation.

gina said...

You must have had some very LOUD people on that plane! Whenever I fly all I can hear is the plane noise and the air coming from everyone's air thingy above their heads. Vomit; yuck.

InkMom said...

I'm confused . . . was the mayor of Boston actually on your flight?

I must confess that I get so sick when I'm flying that I have actually entertained thoughts in my Mormon brain of getting so hammered I just pass out. Because the other problem I have is that I can't sleep on an airplane. Talk about desperation -- and medicinal purposes, right? But then I figure my system, having never had alcohol ever even once before, might rebel against the ingestion of a foreign substance and cause me to hurl even worse than the motion sickness does. So, no solution. Love to travel, hate to fly.

Melanie Jacobson said...


I was once trapped on a train in France with a Jewish doctor and his wife that were the stereotype of every Brooklyn Jewish couple I'd ever seen on TV or in a movie, with the sprinkling of Yiddish, the nasally twang, the nagging, the discussions of yeshivas and which deli was best. It was fascinating and irritating at the same time. I think the irritation was mainly due to the four hour length of the trip. I think my husband is the only person I can sit next to for that long. Oh, and the guy kept eating crackers really loudly.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...


No fair. My ears plug up whenever I fly and I can't hear a darn thing!

Elisa said...


Your flight wins!

All I've got is my baby throwing up on a guys leg during take-off from Chicago... and he had to fly to Hawaii.

charrette said...

Hahaha! How did you refrain from taking that mini airplane-sized pillow and smothering your fellow passengers?

I usually just try to bury my nose in a good book.

Wonder Woman said...

hiLARious.Welcome to the states, eh?

Thanks for paying attention!

Nadja Kari said...

It seems you didn't have to really pay atention, these information were comming wheter you wanted them or not... hehehehe
bye bye

Just SO said...

It's been over 9 years since my last flight. But I get air sick so I usually take Dramamine and conk out so I don't have to deal with all of that!

Harmony said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha. does this mean you finally moved???

Rachel Sue said...

sounds like a fun trip. . .

in time out said...

WOW, yeah, that is a sister is in Arizona, hope you enjoy it...HOT!!!, but you are back in America. How do you like that? I don't think I have read enough about you. Why do you move around???

J. Baxter said...

Sounds way more interesting than what I listened to on my last two flights - a the screaming voice of a toddler. My toddler. Good thing I forgot to consider alcohol on those occasions...

heidizinha said...

happy happy birthday!

Stephanie said...

If the person was twitchy and jumpy from his ecstasy binge the night before in Vegas, then I think I sat next to the very same person once. I feel your pain.

Heather of the EO said...

Who needs the movies, right? :)