Monday, July 20, 2009

Things that make me go AHHHHHHHHHH




- Thank you -


Harmony said...

Hey Bex- sorry I couldn't comment on your last post (by the way, I hope things get better FAST), but this one I can comment on. Here's my response, but it's rather lame, because I couldn't really think of anything funny. Ok. Now pretend that none of this current paragraph existed and all you saw on my comment was:

"YOU make me go AHHH because you put the "AH" in Ah-some!"

Um, I don't think that really worked. But at least I tried. Love you!

janel said...

How about carpet?

gina said...

Ooooo, good for you girl! (There's those eyes again...)

Rachel Sue said...

If you have a mattress or futon or even a really big pillow, that makes the sledding a little more comfortable. . .

Just SO said...

Sledding in AZ? Wait you just moved from Brazil...where did you get the sled? And I wish I looked as good in potions as you do.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

How you can look pretty in a green face mask is amazing/enviable. Yay for kids finding fun things to do that allow for a -little- peace.

Tobi said...

Nothing like a slightly dangerous activity to make boys happy. Without that added element of "I could break my noggin doing this"...What would be the point? Not that I'm judging. I'm just in awe of your boys creative imaginations and drive for fun.

Love the pic of you in the green potions mask. I too wish I looked that great in potions. =)

gigi said...

Good for you!

Tamra Watson said...

Hey, try the pillow cases, or sleeping bags--they're classics!

Tessa Nelson said...

miss you! Glad to see you back!!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Love the green face. Is that how you stay cool there in your desert?

Julie said...

How in the frickity frick is it that you are gorgeous even with gunk all over your face?

Wonder Woman said...

You deserve a deep, relaxing breath.

Brittany Ann said...

I need some potion. What kind do you use?

Tami said...

Another fun thing. Get huge boxes and make a maze. That is my kiddos favorite thing about moving. All the gun they get to have with the boxes. Once we made a castle.

Carolyn said...

And you wonder how those kiddos got so purdy? Look at you gorgeous mama! You are lovely and those darling kids of yours sound brilliantly creative.