Monday, October 12, 2009

I currently worship a five-year-old.

This is Little Prince (LP) and Little Prince's best friend (LPBF).

They are cute. They are in kindergarten. They both have freckles. And a love of all things outdoors.

(Their names rhyme - sort of - and that is also SO SUPER COOL.)

LPBF has recently become somewhat of a hero around the That Girl household. Because LP let him do what he would not let either me or My Man do.

I love you, LPBF. I love you.


Megan said...

That is SSSOOOO awesome!! My little man hasn't even learned how to ride without training wheels since he won't let me take them off. I am so glad to see LP is finding friends and enjoying life! My little man and I am finally finding friends here and liking it here. We do still talk about the "good ole' days" in Idaho, but it is getting better! Enjoy the new experiences that your LP brings to your house now that he is in school!

Perpetual Mommy Exhaustion said...

"C'mon hurry take the picture!"


Kristi said...

Yay!!!!! So exciting!

The Prices said...

You rock LPBF!

HeatherKitts said...

This actually brought a tear to my eye! Little ones helping each other, it's just so beautiful :) I'm such a sap!

Rocketgirl said...

How sweet!! And how lucky for you that LP got such a fantastic friend! I'm teaching violin to a girl in our ward for free just so Solei will see an want to do it too. A good friend is a blessing in more ways than one!

Just SO said...

I love it when he says "Take the picture!" He is a great LPBF.

Boy Mom said...

It's so amazing what best friends can do that parents, no matter how cool, can not!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That is beyond awesome!

Tamra Watson said...


I got to get to Arizona more...before long he'll be 16 and kissing girls.

Wonder Woman said...

That is so cool!! Best friends really are the best.

Bethany said...

Oh my gosh, that's so exciting!!!

Mommadj5 said...

ALL RIGHT LPBF!!!! I will give him a HUGE hug when I am there in November! LP can show off for me. I must call and tell him I saw the video!! YEAH!!!

Deb said...

Can he come to my house? I never learned...

Jody Blue said...

How fun is that!! I love most every age of kids but my heart melts when it comes to 5 year olds.

Rachel Sue said...

How sweet is that? Much sweeter than the 5 year olds that live in my neighborhood. . .

Lara Neves said...

That is one awesome best friend! My oldest had to have grandpa teach her eventually, because she was having none of mom and dad helping her with it.

Go Little Prince!

Fiauna said...

Now that's a little friend worth keeping around. How cute!

Unknown said...

I'm kinda up there with HeatherKitts. That was just so sweet and selfless, something 5 year olds haven't always mastered just yet.

Pure magic.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Holy crap. That video makes me teary. *sniff*

Nadja Kari said...

Que lindoooooo :D:D:D:D:D

Harmony said...

I thought for sure LP would be the five-year-old you were worshipping. Boy, was I wrong! LPBF should start a training video.