Tuesday, November 3, 2009

in which i bleed stars and stripes

i voted today

it feels good

it feels like i matter

it feels like i belong

it feels community-ish

it feels AMERICAN

because AMERICA is all about being good - feeling like you matter - belonging- community-ism - and most of all,

being opinionated

(really, it's like one big blog)

**Visit my pal Annie for endless wit and cleverness - even on the subject of voting**


Kristina P. said...

That's something I wouldn't even think about missing, but you're right! I would be thrilled to be able to vote again.

InkMom said...

You do matter!

Happy Mom said...

Absolutely!!!! I wish everyone felt that way.

There was no election today where I live (first time that's ever happened). Kinda weird to hear them talk about the election today and know that there's no place for me to cast a vote today.

Thanks for letting me live some patriotism by proxy.

Rachel Sue said...

being opinionated. I love it.

Unknown said...

How ironic is this: When we lived in PR, we were not able to vote in the national elections. Americans, living in a US territory, could not help elect the US president. Those are the rules in territories.

But our friends, who were living in Brasilia at the time, were permitted to vote by absentee ballot.

As you have discovered, I felt very differently about voting when we got back to the states.

Well done, GF!!

(and my word verification is "countio". Funny, huh? Make your votio countio!)

Melanie Jacobson said...

We don't have anything to vote on in our neck of the woods. I'm kinda jealous...

Jenny P. said...

Yay for voting. And you look surprisingly cute with a sticker on your nose.

annie valentine said...

Thank you, seriously high linkage. Love that you voted and posted pictures to prove it.

Tamsin said...

Yay for voting! As a Norwegian living in the US, not being able to vote is one of the things that will always make me different. I loved being able to vote in an election last time we were home in Norway.

Also, did you go to BYU? Every time I see a photo of you, I swear we lived in the same dorm/took a class together/were in the same ward.

Drives me crazy.

melissabastow said...

We had city elections today. But we technically live outside of the city borders, so I wasn't allowed to vote.

Living in no man's land...

Karen Mello Burton said...

Is America great, or what? Good for you!

The Lawlor's said...

I'm glad to see that someone other than my husband and me take the "I Voted" stickers and wear them with pride!