Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Where's my trumpets?

This is my 100th post on Pensievity.

And I can't think of anything to say.

I've looked at some of my old drafts and they're boring me. Mercilessly.

I think I'm going to totally cop out and do what countless other bloggers do in situations like this.


Questions? Random subjects? Mysteries that will stump me and rob me of my much-needed sleep?

If you're a dedicated lurker and have never commented before, here's your big chance to introduce yourself and help me out besides.

Ready - GO!


InkMom said...

You? Are hugely prolific.

Did you like Time Traveler's Wife? Because I really didn't. That's not my question; I just saw the book listed on your sidebar, which is right over there ----> and I can see it from here.

Here's my question: PLEASE tell me how to help my Brazilian sister-in-law assimilate. She says she has no friends in the US because no one is like Brazilian women who just embrace you and MAKE you be their friend with no judgments at all. That's great, and I would love it, too, if everyone could love up here the way everyone loves down there . . . but. This same Brazilian SIL (who is our most immediate example of a Brazilian woman) stands in the corner with her arms crossed and her bottom lip stuck out and refuses to show us a better way. And I am so concerned that she will never be happy here, and then my brother will be miserable, too . . . all kinds of issues going on. Now. Please note that we LOVE her. And we are very open and expressive (contrary to the way most Americans are, according to the SIL) with her and she does really well when she's with us. But they live somewhere else. And she hates their ward because no one in it is Brazilian. How do we get her to OWN her decision to move here? Or do we just let her keep griping until it's out of her system? I'm worried about my brother! Did you do this when you moved down there? Did you do it when you moved back?

I just want her to be happy. And she isn't.

Jenny P. said...

It's amazing the question that come in when you post something like this... I mean, I'm STILL working on answers to the ones you asked me. :) And you can totally blame pregnancy induced fog too. It's hard to think of much of anything these days, isn't it?

Yahoo for 100 posts!

I want to know why we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway.

And Lucy asked me yesterday what you do if you fall in love with someone, and they don't love you back... you want to address that one in six year old terms?

Okay... here's one more. A GOOD one. My sister in law is lovely and wonderful and from Brazil. She lives here now, and is still trying to adjust. One of her struggles? The people... because Americans are not as loving and openly friendly and approachable as people in Brazil. My husband, who served a mission in South America says she's pretty much right... there is big difference culturally between here, and there. At the same time, being an American, I have wonderful friends here, that are open and approachable and perfectly lovely. I'm all about recognizing differences, but is one way really better than the other? AND, can't we make friends no matter where we are, if we decide how WE want to act, regardless of how others seem?

How's that for deep?

Jenny P. said...

I swear, swear, swear, I had NO idea Inkmom was going to make the same comment as me... weird, weird, weird...

I am so going to call her now. Because we made virtually the same request at the same time. Sheesh!!

Wonder Woman said...

My next post is my 500th, and now I feel hampered because it's supposed to be big. But it's just the 100th that I've STARTED, not actually published. So maybe I can get away with ignoring it.

I don't know any Brazilians that need help assimilating.......and that pregnancy induced fog has me completely stumped on any other questions. But congrats on 100!

InkMom said...

Um, that is too funny. My sister and I are truly not interchangeable . . . although it might seem to some that we are.

But I have another question:





none of the above?

Fig said...

All that's on my mind lately is pregnancy-related changes in the anatomy. And I'm pretty sure you don't want to talk about all the things that get, uh, larger.

So go ahead and use somebody else's suggestion. :-) Happy 100!

Karen Mello Burton said...

How about where you see your life in 30 years. Paint a good picture, with details and mood.

This is a chance to get out of the "now", which is so all-consuming when we are expecting babies. Not that that's bad...

Kristina P. said...

InkMom and MommyJ scare me sometimes. And I have to sit on a blogger panel with them.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Just SO said...

That is kind of strange about MommyJ and InkMom! In a cool kind of way.

I have a hard enough time coming up with what I should blog about so I'm not sure I'll be much help.

How about your first date? Or the first time your heart was broken? Or your scariest experience?

Rachel Sue said...

Hmmm. What drives you craziest in blog world? If you feel like risking the answer, that is just my standard curiosity for everyone!

Brittany Ann said...

Happy 100th, I never tire of reading your posts, you are so easy to relate to. Questions, hmm...all I've got is an emptry brain, and a big round belly, but there are lots of good suggestions, and I look forward to reading the follow up.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Congrats on your 100th!

If the stars aligned and miracles started raining down on the earth and you and I had a kid-free day to play together - what would we do?

Mommadj5 said...

Write about LP and the faith FHE lesson - very cool. And now they are all wondering so you HAVE to write about it!!!

Kathy P said...

Clinical Strength Deoderant.
Pros and Cons.

Oh, and contrats on your 100th!

Unknown said...

So, is this #100 on the "Pensievity" blog, or are you including "Misplaced Americans". Cuz if it's just on this one, then great honk! InkMom's right! You're a blogging ANIMAL!

Congratulations. You make us smile.

janae said...

I love stories. Good, bad, funny, embarrassing, etc. I love em all.

Qait said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melanie Jacobson said...

I don't think I've been reading you long enough to know if you've already mentioned this, but how did you and Your Man meet?

Jill said...

Love reading you! Happy 100th.

Nikki said...

Is that really you in your profile picture?

Nikki said...

How tall are you?

Nikki said...

When are you due?

Nikki said...

Do you have any allergies?

Nikki said...

What do you do to not be homesick for Brazil? Or are you even homesick for Brazil?

Nikki said...

I, too, want to know how you pronounce Pensievity. And I want to get your comments to 50. lol

wenwin said...

How about a 100 comments for the 100th post?
I lurk and love each post. You could probably write about which peanut butter is your favorite and I would still read your blog!

Happy 100th! We now need 73 more comments!

Nikki said...

I'm sending out the socks again tomorrow. They came back today in the mail with insufficient postage. I had no idea that padded envelopes count as packages and cost more as flat envelopes that weigh the same. So, it'll be a few days still. :P

Harmony said...

I stalk you. And you are an incredibly satisfying writer. And, you're my best girlfriend. I don't think there's something I don't know about you, but you could write about... how many tiles are on the floor of your house. I bet you could make that interesting. If anyone could, you could.