Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Four day weekend in shorthand

Saddle in the trunk
and boxes for my brother

Drive 12 hours

Rest stops

Arrive at Grandma's house

Grandma gets awesomeamazingsuperincredibleAWARD

Four-wheel (it's a verb)

Start a brass band

Hang out with husband

Play with camera

Drive home

Rest stops

And most of all -


Stephanie said...

Look how pretty you look! Glad you had a fun weekend.

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Totally awesome!

You look amazing! Beautiful! Great shots too...oh and did you see you won a prize?

Mrs Abbott said...

Love it!!! Your ring is gorgeous, btw!

Pam said...

I love family trips now. It looks like you have figured out how to successfully wear bangs. You look fabulous!

kristi said...

Cute pics!!!! I love how long your hubby's arms look in the one with the ring and oh by the way, you look really hot and skinny in that last one!!!!

Lara Neves said...

Loving the camera playing you did! Glad your weekend was so fun!

Harmony said...

AAAAHHhhhh! i L.O.V.E.D. both pictures involving the ring.... so incredibly awesome. And, NBC? He is a to-die-for cutie. And, you were closeby! Phooey! If only there were more days in a 4-day weekend, we might have had the chance to see each other :)

Tamra Watson said...

loved the saddle :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Great photos! And a little change of venue can change everything.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Love the shot through the ring, and you look gorgeous. And more importantly, happy.

janel said...

For some reason I don't have the guts to talk about my husband very much on the blog. But good, good, good for you. I am working up to that.