May she treat you with love and sensitivity -
May she be patient with you and smother you with hugs and kisses.
May your classmates be friendly -
May the playground be suh-weet
May your lunch stay cool until it's time to eat
(And may it be the envy of your friends.)
May bullies never cross your way -
May you experience opposition gently
May you never be teased or mistreated -
May you look both ways when you cross the street.
May you remember what I taught you -
May you be kind to others and befriend the lonely.
May you smile and introduce yourself; charm the teacher well.
And most of all, even though I'm hurting for you,

I'm crying for you, but it's a happy day, too. I hope it went well for all of you.
Sheesh, make me get all emotional why don't ya? I don't even have kids and this got to me!
You'll cry today.
Tomorrow you'll be thinking, "Hmm, one less body to worry about for a few hours ain't so bad!"
My daughter started first grade last week. Having her in school has really taught me how important a social network and other perspectives on teaching are for her.
A little heartbreak on the first day of school just means you're a good mom.
Aw, you poor thing. I know I'm going to cry Jack's first day of school, it's like the first stage is over. >sniff< I hope he ha a great first day!
I loved school. And I will be the mom crying in the kindergarten hallway on the first day of school when my oldest starts next year. I get teary just thinking about it. *sigh*
I was totally caught off guard by how hard I cried when my oldest started kindergarten. I don't know how I'll stand it when the next one goes.
I love the sense of perspective you're keeping.
Aww. A mother's prayer. ♥♥
My baby girl is heading off next month. The only reason I'm not a complete wreck is because I am NOT thinking about it.
At all.
And not even remotely obsessively either.
Hope your wishes for him come true.
So. I didn't cry when my oldest started school. My heart was touched. I was overwhelmed by how old he suddenly seemed, but I didn't cry. I smiled. I let go of his little hand, and I loved driving to pick him up afternoon. It was sort of bitter sweet, I think. I was so happy and excited for him, but the mood was still touched with a bit of that, "gah! My baby's growing up!"
At any rate, my oldest is now in the third grade, and I'm sending two five year olds off to kindergarten in a few weeks. And I am happy sad. It's possible. Happy sad. And it's a good feeling. :)
Your little man is adorable, by the way.
Kindergarten was okay. I can handle the 3 hours a day away from me. It's first grade I'm dreading. I'll pray for both of us.
My baby starts Kindergarten this year...and I thought sending my first born was bad!
truly touching.
These are the same things I wish for both my children as they head into the coming school year.
My baby (Princess) starts Pre-K in two weeks and I am dying inside. I don't get eased into the program either. Pre-K is full time school just as if she were headed into 1st grade.
I remember sending my first to kindergarten 7 years ago...I cried. It is bittersweet; you are so happy that they are able, healthy and functioning well to achieve that milestone, but that also is the first major step away from you. You have a talent for putting into words what many of us feel!
I gave birth to boy #3 a few days before sending boy #2 off to kindergarten. I was a hormonal mess and my husband had to stay home from work for a couple of days just to distract me. Now I am a kindergarten teacher and try to remember how tender that experience is.
Oh great! ::sobs into tissues in the middle of work day:: Thanks a lot!
You mean...when Wyatt turns 5, I can't go with him to Kindergarten?
Who made these rules, anyway?
::rips into PB&J an hour before lunch time to make herself feel better::
But really, thanks. Beautiful post. Sometimes mothers need to ache together.
Hey - we are going private ASAP and I need your email if you want to read! Thanks! If you just leave a comment on my privacy post I won't let anyone else see it! THX!
So I totally want my kid's lunch to be the envy of all the other kids -- at least at first I did.
Now, I am just happy if they eat lunch. :)
what a cutie!
Oh, I'm late :( how did it go?? did he just love it? Hoping he has an outstanding first school year.
I sent my baby to school the same year as my oldest started his senior year of high school. That was THE hardest of the four very first days.
My boy now returns from Campinas in just over a month- Time flies faster and faster
Love this. My little guy is entering kindergarten this year and I'm so nervous. :(
how did I miss this??? My littlest one started the big K this year too, so I loved reading this. I love your poetic thoughts.
so true!
I miss your blog... will have to stop by more. Where have I been??
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