Friday, August 14, 2009

At the Department of Motor Vehicles ...

There was a high-powered lady - business suit - pearls - reading her Kindle
And stroking the curls of the little girl next to her.

There was a couple - tattoos - cigarettes - black boots
Who waved and cooed at my baby.

There was a tweedy man - glasses - high waist khakis,
Smiled at the tantrum-throwing toddler.

There was a dizzying mohawk teenager - punk T-shirt - pierced brows
With "please" and "thank you," opened the door for others.

I like people.


Jody Blue said...

they are an amazing part of creation!

gigi said...

Some days it gives us hope :)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I love the tolerance and love implicit in that last statement. So many of us judge people for not fitting into our "ideal." Loving people for who they are is SO much more fun though.

NatalieHemingway said...

I WANT at Kindle!! I know. Not what I was supposed to get out of this post, but it's what popped at me. Anywho... nice sentiments. I love to people watch, but am usually to irritated at the DMV.

janae said...

I love people watching. I mean LOVE.

Melanie Jacobson said...

You're nice.

Tobi said...

Glad you could turn the dreaded nightmare that is the DMV into a postive experience.

I want a Sony Reader ;) Kindle doesn't have an memory stick slot. Therefore you cannot expand it's memory. Fie on you, Kindle.

Rachel Sue said...

They do surprise. That is for sure.

Erin said...

My husband's sister is covered with tattoos and piercings, and her hair is a different color (shockingly red! Purple! Green and orange!) every time I see her. And she is one of the kindest, most loving people I have ever met. I feel sad for people who choose to judge her because they are really missing out.

Love the post.

Becky said...

I love being surprised by people. It reminds me to quit with the judgment and learn to just love.

Excellent post.

Boy Mom said...

I love that you love people. It makes you a beautiful person.

Jenny P. said...

Me too! I went to a concert a couple of weeks ago and people watched while waiting for it to start. People are fascinating, that's for sure. :)

Brittany Ann said...

Sometimes I think it's amazing how little people fit into molds. I had a similar experience with a tattooed, rock and roll, college student behind me in line at the grocery store who was playing peeka-boo and smiling at my little boy. It's kind of fun to see.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I like people too, and often find myself feeling surprised at how gentle so many of the punk-looking types are. Sitting somewhere and people watching is the best too! But I hate the DMV.


One of my favorite things to do is people watch. I love finding out what God is doing through others... especially the ones most people think He wouldn't use :)

I Love this post.


Catherine said...

I want that DMV! Here in Chicago all we get is Patty and Selma from The Simpsons!