Friday, August 28, 2009

Hi. I'm weak.

I am now a whopping NINE weeks into The Pregnancy. (I can't believe I'm only in the single digits ....) And I'm officially feeling like CRAP.

image here

And you know what crap feels like.

I think it's poetic justice somehow, because Da Boyz were all easy peesy, labor and all. It's only fair that This One be ... the epitome of horrible.

Mostly I just lay around and moan.

I've been taking my doctor-recommended Emetrol for my morning-afternoon-night-sickness, but I'm pretty sure that J.K. Rowling had it in mind when describing Skele-gro. It's that bad. And I'm not entirely convinced that it helps that much. (Although I actually cooked yesterday, so maybe it did do SOMETHING.)

I have a friend. Her name is Geny. She throws up for the first four months of her pregnancies. She lays on her side with the bucket below her mouth, letting the acidic drool drip out of her system. I believe she was hospitalized more than she was not.

And she had THREE kids. Voluntarily.

And then there's me, with only two weeks of misery to my name, and I cry about it to anyone that comes my way. (Although crying does have its benefits; a friend is watching Ouro Branco and Mr. Squishy for me, generously allowing me to blog and wallow in self-pity.)

I've been lauded for being 'tough' - I breeze through my pregnancies and spend a few hours breathing deeply until they're born. No drugs. "Wow, That Girl, you're so tough! So courageous! So strong!"

But I'm thinking that you don't know how strong you are until you've had some real opposition.

And ladies and gents, I'm WEAK.


Christa Jeanne said...

Yuck! I'm so sorry, hon. Hang in there!

Erin said...

It will get better and you'll be amazed at how good you'll feel. At least, until your belly and chest get so big that they meet. I hate that. Courage!

Megan said...

My husband's SIL swears by Special K Protein Water for pregnancy sickness.

Lara Neves said...

No. You're strong. Really you are. Take it one day at a time, and you'll survive. And the prize at the end is SO WORTH IT.

Wonder Woman said...

Ugh, Girl, I feel for you. If I could, I've give you a remote like Adam Sandler had in Click. You could just fast forward to when you're not sick anymore.

Tamra Watson said...

This one's got to be a girl :). They always make a dramatic entrance :).

heidizinha said...

It does suck, it is miserable, and all you should do is lay on the couch. And cry. Because your whole world is upside down with the fact that you can't accomplish anything and you don't feel like yourself. I wasn't too many months ago. Call me if you want someone to empathize with you.

trublubyu said...

ugh- i feel for you. i have those awful pregnancies myself. i don't wish that on anyone. thank goodness for friends who can step in and help once in a while.

if a genie came to my house today, one of my wishes would be for your pregnancy to fly by- because a pregnancy where you are sick all day and night is like an eternity. and i don't really know anyone who wants an eternal pregnancy.

Amy said...

First congrats on being pregnant! It's been a while, and I had no idea. I'm sorry it's been such a rough pregnancy, that's not a fun way to start things. I have one remedy for you... ICE CREAM! It might not solve your problems, but you will definitely feel better after.

Unknown said...

I have an even better solution: Chemically induced coma. Or alcohol. Have you tried getting plastered?

Admittedly, it's been a while since I was pregnant. Maybe they've come up with something better by now...

Tobi said...

My pregnancy with my son was "easy like a sunday morning." My pregnancy with my daughter was "TNT, it's dynamite!" Girls are tougher to carry in my opinion.

I hope your all day sickness subsides quickly. =)

NatalieHemingway said...

awww. SO sorry. BEEN THERE! 3 TIMES!! 9 months of sickness. Worst with my girls though. Also, my miracle drug: ZOFRAN, ZOFRAN, ZOFRAN! Talk to the doc!

Randi said...

Uggh. I'm so sorry. Only one out of four of mine were like that.
I hope it lets up soon!

InkMom said...

You're nine weeks in, and I'm nine (and a half) weeks out . . . and you'll be here eventually, too.

But that sure doesn't make it any easier. So sorry you feel crappy. Hey, if it's different, it's probably a girl!

gigi said...

Hopefully it will ease up soon and maybe it's a girl:)

Rachel Sue said...

I haven't experienced skele-gro, but my miracle drug is unisom and b6. I don't know if it will be strong enough for you, none of my pregnancies have required Rx, but it saved my life a couple of times.

Good luck. I hope it gets better soon!

rebecca said...

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. I must point and laugh. I only have no sympathy because that was me with pregnancy #1. A week before I missed my period I was throwing up. I threw up about 7 months of the 9, I also got migraines every time I ate beans and all meat made me gag. Shoot the smell of buttered pop corn from the break room made me run to the rest room and I was about as far from the break room as possible. The only good side? I never was constipated.

Ok, ok I jest. Take some ginger pills and some B vitamins. Lemon ginger tea is awful tasting, btw so stay away. I also drank a lot of juice (fruit and veggie). I figured I would at least get some nutrients before it came back up. It must have worked ok, she was born 3 days before her due date and was 21 inches long and 7 lbs.

gina said...

My fourth girl was absolutely awful; I would cry to my husband and say I just couldn't do it anymore, I never want to do this again, and on and on. Anybody feeling like puking 24/7 isn't weak, just miserable. I actually liked the lemon ginger tea! It helped, so did the little ginger candies that you suck on. Also those wrist bands for motion sickness that you get in drugstores helped too. I am almost in tears for you, remembering how awful that felt. I'll pray for you.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Ugh, I am so sorry about your yuckiness. Hang in there. Another cute little one will salve all of your wounds.

Happy Mom said...

Your "I'm weak" comment described my last three pregnancies.

I'm usually a can-do woman. Whatever it is, bring it on and I'll figure out how to get her done!

But when I'm pregnant, I have no strength to draw on. I simply become a biggest weakling in history.

My husband informed me in the middle of one of my pregnancies that they are fourty weeks long because fourty is always a time of trial and testing in the scriptures. (Children of Israel wandered for 40 years. The Savior fasted for 40 days, etc). "Great!"
I thought, "Now if you could just give me the where-with-all to endure it well!"

After the trial and testing (and labor and delivery) The real you will reimerge, I promise.

Stephanie said...

You know, anyone who is sick for more than two or three days in a row starts having mental/emotional/physical combustion. It sucks. So either we're all weak, or you're just normal. Probably both are true. :)

Hang in there lady. It is not easy. Just remember that nine months of watching tv all day will not kill your children; they'll get over it. :)

Boy Mom said...

Hey weakling, buck up and deal. Kidding I know exactly what you're going through. Hugs and congrats!

Melissa P said...

Oh, I have never had nausea only for my second pregnancy for the first month. Puking my guts out. Sorry to hear that. I was told that peppermint helps curb nausea too.
Hopefully you can find something to help. Good luck and hope you get feeling better soon!

Jenny P. said...

two weeks behind you, and also feeling like crap. Horrible, awful, barfy crap.

Hope it gets better soon, cause if it does for you, maybe it will for me too. :)

HeatherKitts said...

I think this MUST mean it's a girl :) I was having that morning/afternoon/night sickness too and I'm convinced it's because there is too much estrogen floating around in your body :)

Timothy said...

What the heck. You did NOT tell me you were PREGNANT when you did your VTing today! Bah. I had to find out via your blog...which, by the way, is the most hilarious and inspiring blog I've ever encountered. No really. I'm serious. I wish I would write like you. You should consider being an author.

Carolyn said...

You are many many things. Funny. Sweet. Loving. Inspirational. Strong. Brilliant. Creative....Did you see WEAK anywhere on that list? Hang in there, lady!

Stepper the Mighty said...

So has anyone told you yet that this is an obvious and clear indication that you are having a girl? It's not - but wouldn't that be cool?

Can I join your weak club?

jojomynx said...

I also had an easy-cheesy pregnancy with a boy, then the never-ending-nauseous pregnancy of a girl. Congratulations!!! It will all be over before you even realize.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Oh, I know how you feel! My first pregnancy was like that. Followed by a 30 hour labor. But my second wasn't as bad. And they're both girls. I did find one thing that helped. Coconut milk. My husband learned about it on his mission. To Brazil. ;o)

Kristi said...

I guess I am like your friend Geny - my pregnancies are awful hospital filled horridness.... but no matter how horrible or not it is ALWAYS hard! Don't ever say you are weak because for you this is hard! Just know that you CAN do it and keep on moving forward!
I take Zofran and it helps keep me from being in the hospital as much! Maybe ask your Dr about that!!! ;)

Kristi said...

Also - if this pregnancy is WAAAAY different than your others... maybe it is a girl!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm the gal whose never thrown up once in a single pregnancy. But THIS time I got to spend two months wishing I could...ugh. Really hope it passes quickly for you and that you can find your "magic food" that helps make it all better (for me it was croissants...mmm....). Thinking of you!