Friday, August 7, 2009

I can't hide it anymore


SIX weeks, 3 inches.



kd said...

Dude. Feeling ya. At 18 weeks I look/feel like my "usual" 30 weeks... at least! Hmmm... maybe since our bodies know what they're doing so well this time, they will snap back double-time quick too???
Oh, and CONGRATS!!

heidizinha said...


Rocketgirl said...

Holy crap, congratulations!!!!!!!!! And as annoying as it may be to show so blasted soon, at least you won't just look "fat" like I did for a few months and then finally poke out for a month or so, gah!

janae said...

WOA - that was NOT expected!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

Julia said...

i feel your pain, but at least people won't have to wonder if your pregnant or just getting fat. Congrats!

mechan said...

I am 15 and a half weeks along. You look good. Congrats

Kristina P. said...

This is so exciting! Congrats!

Jody Blue said...


Claire said...

Congratulations!!! Yay for babies!

Yeah- I can't decide which is worse. Showing really fast (like I did with my first) or not really showing much at all (which is how I am now, at almost 20 weeks. :P People still look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them how far along I am. I kind of just look like I've made a few too many visits to Coldstone)

Annette Lyon said...

You sure hid it from US. Congrats!!!

Cindy said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting! (Not the showing so early thing,the pregnancy thing :))

I have been silently following your blog and I get such a kick out of you. You are an amazing woman. Thanks for sharing your life so openly and honestly. Your boys are growing up so fast.

gigi said...

So okay, I'll start sewing again :) Congrats to you and yours!

rebecca said...

This might be TMI, but I swear it depends on how your bowels are working. I thought I was bigger for a while, then it didn't quite seem so bad. Of course, I am 18 weeks and have decided to wear only the tops that make me look REALLY pregnant. It makes justifying that taco bell chicken burrito way, way easier.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Whoohoo! Congratulations! And I am so up from popping that belly out as soon as possible. It's sad, but I crave the attention. I even waddle WAY before I have to.

So happy for you!

Sarah said...

Lucky girl! Congrats!

Kristi said...

AWWWW! Yay! Congrats!!!! That was a bold move;)

Happy Mom said...

Congrats!!! Nothing like pregnancy in the middle of settling in to make things interesting!

Melanie Jacobson said...


I guess that means you're due right at the end of March. Email me and ask me how I know.

Just SO said...

Awwwwwwwww!!!! Congratulations!!!

Unknown said...

See what happens when you don't have callings and school and a regular schedule keeping you occupied?? Congratulations! This is your body's way of saying, "Oh yeah, I know what THIS is all about!"

After number 1 I just went ahead and got fat. That way, each pregnancy essentially justified my looking the way I looked anyway.

Sick. I know.

gina said...

Congratulations! I will be looking forward to interesting and well written funnies about being pregnant...

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Congratulations! You look adorable!

Erin said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited because all myonlinefriends are pregnant at the same time as me.

Megan, Peter, and Benjamin said...

That is so exciting! Enjoy looking pregnant for the rest of us who can't get pregnant! I wish so bad that I could have another baby, but alas it isn't happening.


melissabastow said...

Ok, so are you six weeks along, or like six weeks left? Because they are completely different in the whole spectrum of baby bumps. (And you better not say that you just have six weeks left, because seriously, I look like this AT six weeks, if not five minutes after I conceive.)

Wonder Woman said...

Awesome! Congrats! Are you sure it's just one? Or maybe you're like this every time? Skinny people show way early. Are you hoping for a girl like I am?

You're brave to announce so early. An inspiration......

Erin said...

Congratulations to you! How exciting. I can't wait to read more about your pregnancy!

Joni said...

Wowza! How you feeling? Are you a puke-your-guts-out kinda girl?

If so, my sincere condolences.

If not, GREAT!

And congratulations either way!

Joni said...

P.S. I'm kind of in love with your couch/chair thing.

Sharon said...

OHHH!!! Congratulations! I hope you're feeling well!

Rachel Sue said...

Yea for you! Congrats!

Tiffany said...

Congrats! My youngest is 9 months...but she grew up so fast. I'm starting to think baby again...but not quite yet. :)

I hope that you have a great and easy pregnancy! :)

Tessa Nelson said...

Congratulations! WOW... It's really funny that I see this post, right now.. I was just thinking about thinking out loud on my blog about having kids... and should we yet? Like I should really ask the blogging world!? Funny timing thought:) This is so exciting. I hope you continue to write openly about even this! I love pregnant ladies.. such a beautiful thing!!!!!

Katrina said...

Yay for you!!! Congrats!!!! Hope you aren't too sick.

Deb said...

So happy for you, congratulations!

Karen Mello Burton said...

"Dude" as in "Wow, I can't believe it!" Or "dude" as in another boy?


trublubyu said...

congratulations!!! i hope this az heat doesn't kill you in your first trimester! (not literally kill you, of course)

i hope your pregnancy goes smoothly.

packing and moving- yikes! you did it with grace and composure.

Bethany said...

Ohh wow congratulations! That's so exciting!!

Kara Herron said...

SWEET! Congratulations!

NatalieHemingway said...

Wow, you really have been B-U-S-Y! Hope you're feeling well. CONGRATS!!!

Tobi said...

Well color me surprised! Congrats on your preggo state! I'm beyond excited for you.

Lisa Fox said...

Congratulations you guys! With number 4 I popped THE moment i found out....seriously! Now that i'm preggo with #5...same thing! I am almost 19 weeks and I feel like i look 6 months...but it's all worth it! I hope you aren't too sick and are able to get some sleep here and there!

annie valentine said...

I look like this right now and my womb is still for rent. You're gorgeous, look at that tight little tusche.

Becky said...

Holy smokes, woman! It's like your entire life changed while I was on my little bloggy break. (Two months counts as a little break, right?)

Congrats on the move and finally having your stuff and being pregnant and the new blog and whatever else I missed while I was away!!




janel said...

Congratulations on finding such an awesome couch. And stuff.

charrette said...

So excited for you!

Harmony said...

aw Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ah!

Heather of the EO said...

LOVE that picture, and I'm SO happy for you. OOOOOOH, Baby! :)

InkMom said...

Haven't you heard? The best way to gain a healthy amount of weight during your pregnancy is to start out fat in the first place. Obviously, you are not doing that . . . hence the early showing!

You're awesome.

(Dare I hope for a girl? I'm just so excited to finally be having one myself that I think we should continue our parallel lives.)

The Motherboard said...

Are you pregnant or something?

Christa Jeanne said...

Oooooh, yay!!! Congrats, girlie!!! :)

Stephanie said...

See? This is exactly where posting all those smoochy pictures of you and your husband gets you!

Congratulations. What fun news!

Julie Beddoes said...

I think it's rule # 12 of pregnancy... "The more you have, the earlier you show."

Good luck to ya!

jess said...

I think you look cute!! Congrats on the new baby... there's nothing like having a new baby that will help you meet people- they will all be wanting to touch that cute belly!!

zannyzoozoo said...

I am so happy for you! Such a trooper dealing with a move during the first trimester. Guess I can't complain about my move across the country this week.

Hope you are feeling well - you look great!

Stepper the Mighty said...


YAY yayayayay!

Congrats, congrats!

See? Darn you! I knew we should have been neighbors! Our offspring would have been friends!


So exciting! And your bod is so cute in state of preg! (jerk)

Beeswax said...

Congrats. And Welcome to AZ. If ever you feel like going out to lunch and not eating anything with someone, call me.

(8 weeks,5 days)

Mike and Jen said...

Congratulations. That is a terribly cute baby bump!!!