Friday, October 23, 2009

"A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you."

I talk about Brazil entirely too much on this 'ere website. It's true. I spend oodles of web space wallowing about friends I miss rather than expounding upon the wonderful friends that I have HERE. Part of this is due to the fact that a lot of my American friends read this blog. And it's somewhat embarrassing to rave publicly about your besties. I don't know why. I didn't make the rules.

I have no idea why I've been blessed with so many wonderful friends. Enough to bore you all to death. But today I will only pick one - I want to talk about my friend HARMONY.

(This is her REALLY REAL NAME. No funky acronyms today.)

Let's go back fifteen years ago to the suburbia of Detroit. I was a pretty nerdy teenager in desperate need of friendship. My prayers were answered in the form of another Mormon family moving in NEXT DOOR with SIX KIDS.

(Okay. That just doesn't happen in Michigan, for all you Utahns out there.)

Well, naturally I just about popped my zits with excitement. I made brownies and everything, and I think I raided our rose bush as well. (Hi Mom!)

I found my soul twin in HARMONY - she deserves all caps. I guess my name should have been MELODY. (Lame joke alert! Lame joke alert!)

HARMONY and I went through a lot together. Lots of crushes, mean girls, school troubles, lame-o parents, and stake dances. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, stake dances. We went on to college together. We saw each other change and mature and become who we were meant to be. We met our husbands and picked apart and discussed and overthought every little move til the wee hours every night. We got married. We have helped each other deal with sick loved ones, wayward loved ones ... and lack of loved ones.

Sprawled on a double bed, legs dangling off and balancing one arm in the air just for fun, we have grown up together.

Sometimes it's a rough road.

And the hardest, longest bump - so far - is finally over.

After years of faith-testing childlessness and countless tears, HARMONY finally has a beautiful baby girl. Read about her incredible journey here.

It is amazing to me that because I love HARMONY better than I love myself, I feel as if I'M the one who finally has little Megan in my arms. I shouted and danced three times for every tear I've shed for Megan's absence - and that's saying a lot.

Because that's what being a friend is all about. Laughing together. Crying together. Sharing every joy.

(Harms? Here's your happy note. I am so, so happy for you, beb.)


Kristina P. said...

What an amazing story! Adoption stories just warm my heart. I'm leaving work in about 45 minutes to meet the adopted baby of my friend.

She's a beautiful little girl.

DeNae said...

Neat, neat story. And isn't it wonderful to have a friend like that? Someone who you can call after not seeing them for months or even years and say, "I'm in town. Lunch and shopping!" and it's like no time had passed at all.

Cheers all around!

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

I can so relate to Harmony's joy! And your vicarious joy- Congratulations on being so very blessed in friendship and Motherhood for both of you. I would have had a harder time in my journey without supportive friends-

InkMom said...

Oh, how I feel this one. Any period of infertility does serious things to your soul. Thanks so much for sharing Harmony's story. It's uplifting!

Lara Neves said...

This is wonderful. The friendship and this adoption. That baby girl is absolutely gorgeous!

Rachel Sue said...

You are one lucky girl to have a friend like that. Just know that.

And what a darling baby. I love to hear happy endings to heart wrenching stories.

charrette said...

To prove your title true, I should add that my closest friend and I both call each other "Hermana".

Karen Mello Burton said...

You nailed the friendship definition. My bestie is for sure like a sister. No doubt about it. Congrats to Harmony!

Harmony said...

I love you, Hermana :)

Melanie Jacobson said...

That was amazing. It made my heart happy to read about it. Thanks for sharing her story.

wenwin said...

We all need a truly special friendship that lasts forever. And Harmony, what a bundle of pure joy you hold!

Katy said...

Great story. And "I just about popped my zits with excitement" is quite possibly my favorite phrase of the century now.

Heather of the EO said...

First of all, you have so many great friends because you're you. Just saying.

And I got chills reading this. I love friendship so much. Sisters, really, those friends.

And I love a story of joy...and LOOK AT THAT BABY!!! OH MY...precious.

Kathy P said...

I love your post. I love your friends story. I love that little baby. That is the BEST!!!!

Miracles happen everyday... what a beautiful reminder.

Kristi said...

Amazing! I love the BFF and I love that she has her new baby in her arms! AS an adopted baby I have soooo much love in my heart for birth Moms and the "real" Moms!!!

rad6 said...

such a sweet note about your friend, and her story is inspiring.

Jenny P. said...

What a lovely story... and I just read Harmony's entire blog... her story makes me oh so very happy. :)

Tamra Watson said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so happy, I cried. Good for Harmony. She deserves the best.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What a gift a friendship like that is! To celebrate their joys as yours, and their sorrows as yours. So amazing...

Christa Jeanne said...

Yay, Harmony!!! I love you girls - sooooo glad that fate put us in the same corner of that building in King Henry. What a sweet post. I can't wait to see Harms and meet little Megan!!!

PS - I'm moving to Utah next week, so holler if you're in town!!!

gigi said...

This was just the best ever! Thank you. Congratulations to HARMONY and her little family!

Boy Mom said...

Tears! Thanks needed that! Friends are the stuff of life.

Christa Jeanne said...

... and I still get goosebumps reading that, for the record, all these months later. :)