Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Outed by my breath

There are several things I do when I think no one is looking.

Make flirty faces in the mirror.
Catch up on celebrity gossip.
Do crazy things to my hair.
Read Twilight.

Another one of my "down low" hobbies is eating chocolate. I'm a master at sneaking in nibbles on the sly.


Ouro Branco caught me chewing.

"Whatchoo eating Mom?"
(swallow) "Nothing."
"Open your mouth."
(quick teeth swipe) "Ahhhhhhhh."
"Come closer."
(I lean in.)


Dang it.


charrette said...

Shoot! Now you have to share...

Although I never have to share my black licorice. Because everyone else hates it.

Margaret said...

LOL Kids always figure that kind of stuff out!

Mommadj5 said...

Ok - made my day - laughing my head off - mostly because he caught me the last time I was there (one of the chocolate chips) and I forgot to tell you about it!!!

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

It's their sixth sense :) Happens around here on a regular basis and I make no appologies. They get treats all the time that they don't share, and I claim mine as well.

Erin said...

I can't tell you how many times I have done this. And now that they are older, it's even harder to be sneaky. Sigh. :)

Jenny P. said...

If you hide in the bathroom with the door locked to eat your chocolate, and take some orange juice to wash it down, the kids can't smell it on your breath.

I mean, I don't think they could. It's not like I spent a lot of time eating chocolate in my bathroom.

(or maybe I do. all the time.)

4handfulls said...

Busted! My kids have sonic hearing for any crinkling of wrappers LOL

Stephanie said...

This happens to me daily. I lie not. I'm going to pretend my toothpaste is chocolate-flavored.

Rachel Sue said...

I dread that day. . .

Unknown said...

I assume you grounded him. That kind of behavior simply can NOT be tolerated.

Deb said...

My kids have a mystical chocolate detection skill. I can go into my room, close the door, go into my closet, close the door, take out a single M&M from my stash, and within 2 seconds they're pounding on the door:

"Mommy! I want some M's, too!"

It's a gift. I don't fight it.

Tobi said...

Sneaky chocolate is the best kind.

I'm doing a giveaway on my blog that is full of Twilight stuff. Since you are harboring secret love for Twilight you should try to win some more Twilight stuff. ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I say you only have to share if he discovers your hiding place.

Wonder Woman said...

Yeah.......this has never happened to me........

WV: phoes- (n) those who thwart righteous attempts --or-- PHOO-ees (n) what you exclaim when your phoes discover you sneaking chocolate.

Katy said...


The Prices said...

I just tell them I can eat chocoate whenever I want cuz I'm the mom.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Emma can always smell it on my breath, the child has the nose of a bloodhound, I swear!

Harmony said...

I've heard some kind of saying like "You know who you are by what you do when noone is watching." I guess that means that deep down inside, we're all nose-picking, farters. Oh, wait, maybe that's just me.

janel said...

One of my down low hobbies is lurking on your blog.