Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hating laundry is a dominant trait

Especially when it's time to wash the blankie.


Unknown said...

You have a SWEET washer, dude! I bet you can do some wicked jumps and stuff, huh?

(And I wear that face every laundry day. But that was the point of the post, wasn't it :P )

Tiffany said...

I love this picture. It truly shows the face that every child wears when they have to "give their blanket a bath" as I like to call it. :)

Mommadj5 said...

Awwwww...breaks my heart. This is why I cut YOUR blankie in half!!

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

aw, too hilarious and too true!!! I hated it when my mom washed my blankie! love that kid's face!

Stephanie said...

Our kids are doomed, aren't they?

That picture is adorable!

Karen Mello Burton said...

We must be genetically linked. Laundry=enemy.

Brittany Ann said...

Aw! Poor little guy. I relate, the closer that luandry gets to coming out, the more I feel like crying.

Jenny P. said...

OH, I so know that face! I've been known to sneak in and steal the blanket after he's sleeping so it can be washed.

he always appreciates the cleanliness after, but it's so hard to get it from him in the first place!

janel said...

Perfect caption.

Wonder Woman said...

I'll do yours if you do my dishes!!!

I made my son's blanket with this in mind. I made a big one, and a small one with the exact same material and pattern. I could wash one and he still had one. Or if he wanted to take it somewhere, we could take the small one instead of lugging the other around.

I hope do the same thing this week for this baby!

heidizinha said...

ha! the first time I read this i thought it said binkie, and i was so confused why you'd wash the binkie in the washer. blankie makes so much more sense.

Perpetual Mommy Exhaustion said...

I, too, live in this land.


Both lands, actually. I hate laundry and my son hates it when I wash his blankie.

Happy Mom said...

That was the best laugh of my day!!! Sooo stinkin cute!! I love how are little ones are so attached to a bit of fabric.

I also love how MANY people have already commented on your delivery post--we women can't miss an opportunity to hear and share stories about labor and delivery (myself included!)

Stepper the Mighty said...

Omigoodness. That is SO SWEET! Poor guy! That machine ate his friend!

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

How sweet in a saddness kind of way. I made sure to have several "blankies" of the same so I didn't have to worry about losing it or something- and can you imagine what is going through his poor mind while watching that nasty thing jerk his blankie around-

Jody Blue said...

Awww you washed out all the good comfortable smells...you know how long it takes to get that back, how many times it has to be drug across the floor or wipe peanut butter and buggers off?

Nikki said...

Looks like my Hammy. When his blankie and woobie are taken away for a bath, he helps put it in, starts the washer, and then realizes it isn't coming out for a while. Then the screaming starts. Then the transformation into Gremlin is complete. It's always a sad day. I try to wash it while we're getting ready for church on Sunday and throw it in the dryer so it's all done when we get home. But that's only happened twice. I still think it's a good plan. ;)

Julie said...

Stopping to take a picture while your child's heart is breaking? That's good parenting right there.

I do it too. :)

Bethany said...

Oh no! The poor little guy...so sad!