Thursday, February 11, 2010

33 weeks

I'm home.

I'm still pregnant.

Prayers work.

They let me get off the magnesium at the beginning of the week, and now I take terbutaline as needed for contractions. (Shakes, jitters, fast heart rate, anxiety and heartburn. But it's better than the magnesium.)

I'm on strict bed rest til 36 weeks, and the kids think it's the greatest thing that ever happened to 'em. Mom can't move. No cooking, no cleaning, no errands, no laundry. I just stay put on the bed or the couch with nothing to do but play all day. I haven't yet had the chance to be bored.

Mom and Mom-in-law are here to rescue us. Life is wonderful.

It's really hard to type.

My next post will probably have a baby picture to go with it - whether that's tomorrow or a month from now.

(Let's shoot for a month.)

Love to all -


Kristina P. said...

I am so glad you are OK! Warm thoughts and prayers coming your way.

Wonder Woman said...

yay! YAY YAY yay yay yayay!!! I was just thinking about you 2 hours ago and shot off another prayer. I was send you an e-mail but I didn't know if That Mom was checking e-mail or not.....

Becky, this is so great. I am so happy for you. So glad you have moms there and medicine and so so glad.

love you

rebecca said...

Glad you are better! Well, sort of. But hey, at least it ends in a baby!

Sarah said...

So relieved! Been thinking about you and that tiny babe lots and lots. Still praying!


Katrina said...

phew! SO SO SO glad that baby stayed put. I totally know what its like to be on bed rest. It was fun for about 2 days and then I was sick of it! But it kept me from going back into labor, so its worth it in the end. I cheated at 35 weeks and started doing more because I couldn't take it anymore. And Asher stayed in until 38 weeks. Each week will be such a celebration for you. Here's to a full term baby!

Nikki said...

I am overjoyed for you!

melissabastow said...

Way to keep the baby in!! (I was going to go with "YAY" but it had already been used.)

I was on the severestly of severest strick bedrest with my fourth for two months before she was born at 35 weeks. It's a suck-o, I tell you. Oh wait, you already know. But anything to stay pregnant, right? So be a good little couch potato and seriously, DON'T MOVE. Unless you have to pee, but that's the only exception. Oh yeah, and to email me your address because I have something for you (melissabastowAT hotmailDOTcom). And then after that DON'T MOVE. And cross your legs, just in case that helps. (Pretty sure it doesn't.)

Kim L. said...

SOOOOOOO glad you are ok, and that you have help. Continued prayers!

Unknown said...

Oh I hope you can hold on even if for a couple of weeks. Every day makes a difference.
So sorry you are in bed. That must be so hard and so powerless. Someday you will look back and it will be a bad dream but you will have a precious baby! Hang in there girl. We hope to hear from you.
If I lived there I'd bring you dinner!!

Stephanie said...

Was just thinking of you last night and so glad the update includes the words home and pregnant. Take care of yourself and let the grandmas run the show. Love,

Jenny P. said...

You've been on my mind a lot too! Every time I look at my own pregnant belly and think... gah! That could be me in early labor! I've been praying so hard for you and your little one. I'm so glad he's still in there for now. Hope your bedrest is enduringly tolerable... and happy to hear that moms are around to help out. I will absolutely keep praying for your both. Take care of yourself!!

Happy Mom said...

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Can't wait to see pictures!

The Lawlor's said...

I'm glad to hear you and baby are all right. Try to enjoy your rest.

I'll be praying for you.

Hilary said...

I'm so happy for you that you're being able to buy your baby this extra time in the womb, no matter how much time it ends up being. Glad you're home and you and the baby are well!

Joni said...

I've never been so relieved to have a friend say she's still pregnant.

Take it easy, Lady!


Carolyn said...


Amy said...

Glad you're ok! You should do a lot of reading, I've heard it's good for babies

LisAway said...

I'm SO glad! Hope bed rest is more relaxing than stressful and annoying. Keep cookin', baby!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am so glad you have helpers there and that you have been postponed, at least for a little while.

You are a trooper. Best wishes.

Stephanie said...

Glad to hear you are home :) Take care of yourself! We are thinking of you and can't wait to hear of little one's arrival!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Oh, holy goodness, I missed the first two announcements so you got all fixed before I could worry, thank goodness. I'm so glad all is well and that your new little peanut gets a chance to grow and thrive a little more inside. I'll say another prayer for you right now!

Julie said...

I'm so glad to see your cute little still knocked up face back on here again!

Qait said...

Yay!!! Prayers DO work! :)
I hope you never do get the chance to be bored with your bedrest.
I'll miss your blogself in the meantime!

Kristi said...

Hooray!!! I am so glad that baby is still in t here cookin! You are in my prayers!!!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm torn between joy over you not having a very young preemie on your hands and concern because I know how bloody frustrating bed rest can be. Typing while lying down is no easy thing!

Love you to bits girl and hope your couch time has elements of sweetness to counter the potential boredom!

Harmony said...

Okay. First of all, I'm SOOO sorry I never commented on your previous posts of scariness. Yes, I was thinking of you and yes, I was praying for you and loving you every minute. But things get busy and sometimes there's just not time to comment! (as if it takes that long; but you know what I mean)... I'm so happy for you that things are lookin up for Little Cutie #4 and I hope you enjoy your time in bed :) Love you!

rad6 said...

Yay for good news and yay for prayers.
best of both for the last few weeks... however long they end up being.

Kathy P said...

Wishing for a MARCH birthday!!!


The Prices said...

That's great, what a relief! We'll keep the prayers goin.

Rachel Sue said...

Hooray! I thought for sure this post would come with baby pictures. I am so glad I was wrong!

Will definitely keep praying.

Unknown said...

OK, I seriously just scrolled down my blog list to find the last "update" on you just so I could go back and say something like, "Still thinking about you, hoping all is well", and here you are!! Home and still pregnant!!


Did my song help? Huh? Did it?? Sing it every day, especially now that it's actually applicable!

Hugs to you!

Just SO said...

Oh I really needed some good news today and this definitely counts as good news...GREAT news!!! Praying from here that the next four weeks will fly by.

Jody Blue said...

Hang in there baby...literally!!
Prayers answered tough us all in deep places, this is why it is good to share!

Sharon said...

Oh, GOOD! I'm so glad to hear this news! Stay down and keep that little one cookin' for a few more weeks! It'll all be worth it! And yay for grandmas!

jess said...

I have complete empathy for you... we had our baby at 33 weeks just 2 months ago and I also endured the steriod shots in the butt (they fricken hurt) and magnesium for 2 days after so I wouldn't have any seizures... i felt like my eyes were marbles rolling around in my head!!

You will be in my prayers... going home without a baby is no fun!

Jill said...

Oh! So happy to hear. Wish I actually knew you and could swing by to visit or to take the kids to the park. Best wishes.

Annette Lyon said...

Yay! Back home AND with the bun still in the oven--great news!

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

trublubyu said...

a month sounds good. i hope you get a month.

and so glad to hear you are still pregnant. what a blessing.

wenwin said...

remember that time when that girl had nothing to blog about? now you have some time to gather your thoughts!
stay down. stay rested and we will be waiting to hear from that girl!

Felicity said...

prayers DO work and there are lots being said for 'that girl' and 'crazy #4' at the moment! Hope you are getting the rest you need and that the bun is still in the oven :)

Nikki said...

I'm thinking about you. I hope you're taking it easy and really staying down. And I hope that baby boy #4 is still staying put! I know how hard it is after being on bedrest for a time to still think about not giving birth yet. My prayers are with you.

Kara Herron said...

Good luck - I hope things go well. You will be in my prayers.


West Family said...

Hey you - I am so sorry you are having a difficult pregnancy... I am trying to get the courage up to do it all again myself! So, Arizona wow, how are you? So much to catch up on - so I will read your blog. BTW your family is adorable! - Jan