Saturday, March 13, 2010

Look what I did

Thursday, March 11, 2010, 10:26 pm
7 lbs, 5 oz, 19 inches
and absolutely perfect


Kristina P. said...

Absolutely beautiful! Congrats!!

MotherToMany said...

Congratulations!! Great job!

Julie said...


Hilary said...

Congratulations!!!! It's so good to see such a healthy baby and Mom!

Bridget said...

Seeing that picture of you smiling like that seconds after giving birth, made me grin from ear to ear. Congratulations!!!

Erin said...

He's cuuuuuute! and you look great. Congratulations to all.

Lisha said...

Congratulations!! Clever you bringing another joy into the world!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

There you go! Congratulations.

Sweating in the endless heat said...

What an ADORABLE little man:-) Congratulations!!!!! Let me know when I can bring a meal to you:-)

Head Nurse or Patient- you be the judge said...

OH MY GOODNESS_ you crazy girl-

You didn't say a word in your email about having had your baby-


So happy for you that you are done being preggo for now

Kim L. said...

YAY! The Loudon family fasted for you last week....for the safe finish of your prego and safe arrival of a healthy baby boy! So glad he is here safe and healthy and ADORABLE! Congrats!

Tessa Nelson said...

LOVE your title! And Congratulations!

Joni said...

I guess the pregnancy didn't last forever after all!

Congrats. He's amazing.

LisAway said...

Woooo hooooo! Congrats! What a cute round little face. Looking forward to more details to come! (hint, hint)

Elizabeth said...

Good work, beb!! Is it just me, or does he look an awful lot like little brother #1 in that picture? :D

InkMom said...

Wahoo! Good job, mom! He looks perfect, and you don't look half bad yourself. Congrats!

Riddlez said...

Great job, mom!

Jody Blue said...

What a sweet little blessing!!! Way to go!

Wonder Woman said...

Yay!! Congrats, Becks!!! He's gorgeous and I'm SO GLAD that everything went okay. At least I'm assuming it did. Whew. xoxo

Anne said...

Congratulations! I love the first picture- it looks like it was taken seconds after he arrived, and you look so happy! (Or relieved?)

Stephanie said...

You look ridiculously good with that brand new baby on your lap! So glad baby is here and you both are safe and sound :)

rebecca said...

Aww look. You faked having a baby. *teehee*

I am glad the little bean made it safe and sound.

NatalieHemingway said...

What a handsome guy! Congrats girlie!

elesa said...

Oh, that is so great. Congratulations!

see what i sea designs said...

My heart thanks you for the sight of a beautiful, healthy baby with his wonderful mother whom I adore.

My ovaries, on the other hand, have a bone to pick with your procreative genius.

gigi said...

Handsomely beautiful!!!

Cindy said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful!

Unknown said...

YAAAAY!! I'm so happy for you! And you look absolutely radiant in that picture! Well done, you!

Jenny P. said...

Yay! So happy for you... especially for how hard you had to fight to keep him in there! Except there at the end. Then you were pregnant forever. Hope everyone is doing well!

The Prices said...

What an alert little guy! Congrats over and over. happy recovery!

Julia said...

congrats! he's beautiful

Stephanie said...

Hooray, hooray, hooray!!! And you did such a GOOD job too. :) *cyberhugs*

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Way to you, Mama!!! You done good! :)

Rachel Sue said...

Yea! Yea! Yea!

He is surprisingly big for a month early! So glad that it all worked out perfectly!

Stephanie said...

AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!! He IS absolutely perfect!!! We are so excited for you!!!!

Looks like LP to me! And I LOVE all that hair!

We can't wait to see more! Good job, sis!

Carolyn said...

Woohoo!!!! Congratulations on a job well done. Enjoy your new addition!

Perpetual Mommy Exhaustion said...

Yahoo! Congrats!

Katrina said...

Congrats!!! He is adorable. Well done.

heidizinha said...

are you kidding me!

congrats! you're amazing and so is he!

waiting patiently for the name...and birth dets. email me!

pretty sure it was the five chip cookies that sent you into labor.

janae said...

Hey! I'm after Heidi! Must be good luck. :) Congratulations! Having babes by fours seems to be the thing. I have two neighbors, a friend, and a cousins that all had their fourth boy in the last year. And my brother had his fourth girl a few months ago. It's the cool thing to do. ;)

Erin said...

Yay yay yay!

I hope you are recovering well, and I look forward to hearing the details!

trublubyu said...

congratulations!! now, go conquer the world. or change a diaper. whichever.

Nikki said...

Hurray!! Everytime I open a post from you in my reader I think Is this the one?? And it is!!! Yeah! Congrats! He's so cute.

Deb said...

Congratulations, he's beautiful!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Worth. The. Wait. Congrats!

Tobi said...

Hip Hip Hooray! Your baby came today!

Just SO said...

Congratulations!!! He is beautiful!

Ryann Pinnegar said...

Yay! Congratulations!