Friday, July 23, 2010

Memory Lane - the hallway


is the hallway.
(My room on the left, my brother's room on the right.)

It's where I read my scriptures every night, because my little sister was sleeping in the room.

It's where I gained my testimony of said scriptures, often losing myself to the canon until way-too-late-o-clock.

It's where I hated scrubbing fingerprints off the walls during spring cleaning.

It's where pictures of all of us as babies used to hang.

It's where I watched a one-year-old Sunshine fall down the stairs, and my mother dive after him. (Him: a bruise. Her: a shattered foot and three screws.)

It's where my brother and I would whisper at the end of the day, both of us sitting cross-legged in our respective doorways, sometimes leaning against the frame when it got too late to hold up our heads. Snorting and laughing and being serious, too - and always listening for the creak of Mom's footsteps to tell us to GO TO BED ALREADY.

I will probably miss that hallway more than anywhere else in the house.


The Jensen Family said...

How fun is that! I had the same corner of the house. My brother was on the left and I shared the room on the right with my older sister. We loved to climb the walls in the hallway to the ceiling. Then we would have to clean the footprints and handprints off. My brother would sneak to our doorway and get us laughing when we should have been sleeping. My mom would yell to us "NO MORE PLAYING, GO TO SLEEP" from her evening bath. I remember when she said "DON'T MAKE ME COME OUT THERE" we didn't think she would. She did, and in all of her nothingness. The sight of our mother with nothing but bubbles coming down the hall towards our rooms was enough to keep us all quiet for the rest of the evening. My room had blue and purple mix shag rug carpet (with modeling clay smashed into it every once in a while and a barbie shoe here and there) and my brother had red shag rug with no clay but plenty of BB holes in the walls which made up for the clay. Those were the days! Same two doors, two different lives. Thanks for sharing.

Karen Mello Burton said...

It isn't hard for me to get nostalgic about things like this too. Good memories.

The Prices said...

I've really enjoyed all of your memory lane postings. I'm very sentimental and can imagine myself saying goodbye to all of these things in the house I grew up in, but for now I still get to visit it a couple times a year.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I'm smiling right now, thinking of how hard it must be to say goodbye to that house, but that you don't have to say goodbye to the memories inside. So how awesome to have them even more fully preserved here, where you can see and relive whenever you have that aching need in you.

I'm glad you have time and space to say goodbye in.

Nikki said...

I have enjoyed reading your memories. But I am crazy emotional at the same time reading them. *sniff*

janel said...

I love that a hallway could be so prominent in the special memories of your formative years. This is all just a sign of how sacred the home really is.

Stephanie said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm loving your memories, but I am lame and not commenting this week because I'm self-absorbed right now. The end.