Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Memory Lane - Meijer


is Meijers. It is always plural, because that's what Michiganders do.

It's where bored teenagers go when they don't drink.

It's where we had shopping cart races.

It's where we hunted the aisles for expired food, then turned them in for free fresh food. We'd go at midnight to find the food that was expired yesterday.

It's where we tried on stupid sunglasses and funky accessories and played with all the toys.

It's where we annoyed the heck out of every employee there.

Goodbye, Meijers.


InkMom said...

Did you ever drop boxes of condoms in random people's carts, then watch to see their reaction at check-out? That was my sister's trick.

Good times.

Joni said...

We had Meijers in Ohio. I loved it. But mine was a bit run-down, so it looked like old school Kmart but the stuff was awesome. It was always a weird juxtaposition for me. All these cool products stacked haphazardly and floor that needed to be swept.

The Prices said...

We never called it Meijers! My mom has a thing with proper vocabulary.

Elizabeth said...

I miss Meijers! And Vernor's. *hugs*

Kazzy said...

I hate when nostalgia gets stabbed in the chest. :(

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Shopping cart races!

I like how your memories help my own resurface. It's like walking down a parallel memory lane with you.

Harmony said...

Did I ever tell you that on the night of your wedding, Emily Joh and I painted pictures on computer paper with condiments from my fridge? Then we went to Meijers and taped them on people's car windows in the parking lot. We were SO cool. We wanted you to be there, but you were doing something a bit more fun, ha ha ;)

Becky said...

I've never heard of this place, but now it's going to bug me all night that I don't know how to pronounce it. Darn you, That Girl!

Elizabeth said...

Becky, it's pronounced My-urr (s). Michiganders pronounce things weirdly. There's a town named Saline and one named Milan, and do you pronounce them the way they look? No. It Suh-leen and My-lan. Weird, huh? I'm used to Native American names on things, but living in Michigan took a little adjusting.

Marcia said...

Ok, one more Michigan weirdo: a high school near me was called Buena Vista, pronounced, "BU-na (long U) VIS-ta" rhymes with "sistah". No joke.