Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer - Survived

So summer is over.

It's thoroughly depressing.

Did we go to the pool enough? Did we eat enough Otter Pops? Did we play and veg and chill and learn and laugh enough?

Did I prepare Little Prince for the coming school year? Does he know how much I love him? Will his teacher love him? Will he love her more than he loves me? Will he be able to stick up for what's right when all the other first-graders are doing what's wrong?

Will Mr. Squishy and Sunshine miss him? Will they play okay without their leader? Will I survive without my helper and little compadre? Will the NBC look around for his favorite entertainer?

and perhaps most importantly ...

Will my brain ever stop thinking ridiculous, pointless things?

(Photo taken by Little Prince.)


Jocelyn Christensen said...

The answer to the most important question in the universe is...NO.

Boy Mom said...

You have had a rather eventful summer and it's probably good to see parts of it end.

You're such a great mommy and crazy repetitive repetitive are part of mommy brain.

"When all the other first graders are making wrong choices" LOL like eating boogers or not...maybe your school system is tougher than ours. First graders seem kinda innocent it's 8 year old second graders that are the bane of my existence.

Boy Mom said...

See,I meant to say repetitive thoughts, not repetitive repetitive...DuduDun Mommy brain strikes again.

HeatherKitts said...

Sign that kid up for a photography class, STAT!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

My peers didn't start being really horrible until 3rd grade, and considering not only how awesome your kids are but how grounded in the gospel they are, I really don't think you need to be worrying yet. Save it for junior high. Then you'll REALLY need it. :P

Marcia said...

Oh, not at all ridiculous! It's the every-present "mommy guilt" that keeps us on our toes. My current worry is: "I hope all that tv didn't totally fry your brains..."

Teachinfourth said...

Came over via Stephanie and BlogHer.

I think that he'll survive it; most teachers are pretty understanding on first days and I'll bet he'll be home with stories to tell of his new adventures.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Doesn't sound ridiculous or pointless to me! Although maybe I'm thinking that just because I'm worrying about all the same things...

Though up here in Canada I have a few more weeks to worry about it.