Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm back. And some advice for the world at large.


I am awesome.

I drove from Dallas to Phoenix - seventeen hours - by myself. With four kids. And we didn't just survive - we had fun doing it.


Also - it seemed to be a reflex reaction to everyone we encountered to say -

"Wow, you have your hands full!"

Three things.

1) That implies that I am stressed. Overwhelmed. Beyond my capabalities. I am none of these things.
2) Even if  I were stressed, overwhelmed, or beyond my capabilities, I do not want to be reminded of that fact. By you.
3) Shut up.

So here's some advice, world. Never, ever, say the aforementioned phrase. Because one day, I am going to snap, and you will get punched in the face.


Melanie Jacobson said...

It'll hurt them more and you less if you punch them in the throat.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I've been told that just taking my 3 to the grocery store. I reply SUPER cheerfully, "Yes, but they're JOYFULLY full!"

I love seeing the person's face crumple in confusion. Bwahahahaha.

Congrats on the awesome trip!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

I hear that about a cajillion times daily. It used to bug me...but then I found a tshirt that said "If you think my HANDS are should see my HEART." It's actually an autism awareness shirt...

Marcia said...
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Marcia said...

omygosh, that's so true. What I want to say to the "hands full" commenter is, "Yes, they are full -- Are you enjoying standing there gawking or are you offering to lend a hand??"

Erin said...

Welcome back! What did you do along the road that made it so fun? Or was it just the being together, more together, and still MORE together?

Sweating in the endless heat said...


Boy Mom said...

Well, that post wasn't your usual brand of sweetness and light???

You even used the dreaded, "Shut up!"

Perhaps it's just that you really "Had your hands full?" ;)

Joni said...

If you ever punch someone in the face, please post footage. I'd have to see it believe it.

Qait said...


That's all.

You made me laugh.

JBSquared said...

I have heard that phrase just about every day since I had my twins. That, and "double trouble!" Which always makes me want to reply, "Oh, my gosh - there are TWO of them!? No WONDER this is so much work!" ;)

Vanessa said...

That is so true, some one said that to me on Sunday, and it caused the spirit to go right out the door. And so if the spirit wasn't there why should I. I came home and was mad the rest of the day. Oh the nerve people have. You go girl... Driving that many hours is tiering.

Rachel Sue said...

what is with that? Is there like a secret code somewhere that says once you have three children or more that all strangers MUST respond with that phrase? I get it ALL. THE. TIME.

Seriously, people. Think before you speak.

Rachel Sue said...

Although, I just thought of another one that I actually like. "You've got a lot of helpers, don't you?"

Because I do. They love helping. And they feel so proud when they hear it. Why can't people say that? said...

Hi! I just found your blog from my friend Jen Bradshaw's... and someone JUST said that to me yesterday while walking in Michael's with two polite boys holding my hands quietly walking with me and one in the Ergo carrier on me... what the heck makes people say that?!

raprettyman said...

Mine are older, so they do keep themselves pretty busy, mostly reading these days, but I remember days of singing, playing word games (which Brady and I still do a lot) and now that they both read and write, Mad Libs books.
It's a great time to connect and talk. My only issue is the fighting. I've been known to pull over. :)

Stepper the Mighty said...

I love #3 best.

The only time I want to hear that phrase is when my hands are literally full of sacks of groceries and you are holding the door open for me or grabbing half my sacks.

But B? please tell me that in the beginning you did feel overwhelmed sometimes because I am almost 3 weeks into this 3 kids thing and I need to know if i have a prayer.

Lara Neves said...

I will never understand why people say that. You go.