Monday, April 11, 2011

In which we get all cultured

I love the theater.

Did you know that?

I was heavily involved in high school. (Or, at least, I was THE most dedicated chorus girl ... though I did play a witch in Macbeth once.)

I love the whole thing - the smell of the theater - the excitement back stage - the hours of rehearsals - the goofing off and getting yelled at by the director - the adrenaline rush of the applause. Stepping into a theater brings it all back. I am sixteen again, thrilled to sing my heart out, dance, act, and wear goofy costumes. Pretend to be someone else for a while. Virtual reality escapism for the virtually impaired.

In high school, my mom volunteered in the makeup department - to help out - to be close to me - because she loves the theater too. And then I graduated. And she stayed.

Seventeen years later, she's a full-blown professional.

Moving to Arizona was hard for her on so many levels, but she's finally found a creative outlet here, too.

Meet my momma's handiwork!

So for our date night this week we went to see the play she's working in - Into the Woods.

Best part about going to the theater?

His arm around me for two hours straight - and no kids in between.


Mindi said...
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Anonymous said...

I love INTO THE WOODS!! And I love the theater. Actually I love any kind of live performance. Recently I took my kiddos to see Disney on Ice and I thought, I forgot how much I love this!

Joni said...

I love the theater too! I've done a few shows since I got married because it's hard to stay away for too long.

But I've never been in a production where I didn't have to do my own makeup.

Those costumes look awesome!

Sarah said...

That is a perfect 'job' for your mom, it's great that her talent is being put to good use!

Nikki said...

How fun! I forgot how much I love the theater as well. I wonder if we have any around here...

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Into the Woods is hands-down my favorite play...good memories...and fantastic artistry on the make-up! Go Mom! :)

Marcia said...

Wonderful! How exciting!

Rachel Sue said...

Into the Woods is my FAVORITE ever. Did you love it?

The Prices said...

Wow! Way to go momma! What a talented gal.

Fannie said...

I have many fond memories getting my make-up done by your mom or helping her during my high school theater days. I'm very glad she's still doing it. She is one incredibly talented woman!

That Girl said...

I feel compelled to say that I did not "do" Little Red - just the wolf!!! Thanks for all the compliments - I do have fun! Mom

Charloe said...

My sister and her husband saw that play on Friday night and LOVED it! I'll have to let her know that I "know" the make-up artist! Great job!

Micah said...

Eek! Charloe is my sister and directed me to your blog. Guess what we saw last Friday night?! "Into the Woods" by Copperstar! We saw your mom's handiwork at its best. We both commented several times to each other about how awesome the makeup really was. To think we have your mom here in town now!

Take that, Charloe. We saw it in person!

Pretty stinkin' cool. And so was the play. WOW!