Monday, August 8, 2011

Faith is ...

Sending your children to school.

And yes, I got home and bawled.


Jocelyn Christensen said...

Oh man...I am working my way up to that kind of faith. Guy starts Aug 24th!!!

Christa Jeanne said...

You're so wise to TRUST in those impressions, tough and counterintuitive as they might seem.

My stepmom preached the gospel of homeschool hardcore, having been an elementary-school teacher in her pre-SAHM career. She SWORE she'd never put her kids in school. Well, she ended up with strong direction as to my sister's needs. Tessa hardly did the same thing two years in a row - private school for kindergarten (where the tuition was more than my BYU tuition at the same time!), homeschool for first, public for second, Montessori school eventually, then part-time homeschool with the district for now. There were distinct reasons for each - Betsy's parents both declined rapidly and passed away during the homeschool year, and the flexibility of homeschooling was seriously divine. She could take my sister and care for her parents, and my sister was able to really build relationships with those grandparents before they passed. The next year, however, Betsy needed time to herself to replenish after such a draining year, and public school was right.

That was rambly, but, point being, Heavenly Father knows what you and your boys need. :) Looking forward to hearing about their adventures!

Elizabeth said...
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Elizabeth said...

Wow. Me? I was ecstatic to send my two oldest off to Chinese camp for three hours today (and all week!) just to get them OUT of the HOUSE. They've been bouncing off the walls and clearly needed time away from the distractions they find at home and doing something constructive with a bunch of their peers.

I think you are much more an early-childhood kind of person than I am. We can still be friends, right?

Julia said...

I send 2 to school this year too. We start on monday. I will be crying then too:)

Marcia said...

They look so happy and ready to go!

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

so cute :)

Lara Neves said...

I love first day of school pictures. :) They just have this wonderful feeling of excitement mixed with a little trepidation.

They'll do great, and so will you. :)

Stepper the Mighty said...

I am terrified of this day.


Wonder Woman said...

So, so, SO true.

Also, I can't believe how much your boys look like my own. I read this on my phone and briefly showed the picture to my husband, who was driving. I said, "Don't they look like our boys?" to which he replied, "Those ARE our boys." After a closer second look, he was surprised to find that they weren't. The facial expressions and coloring are quite similar.

Needless to say, your cute are adorable and this post brought tears to my eyes.