I usually start letters and emails with "well." I often use the word as a subject line.
Every. single. one. of My Man's mission letters starts with "well."(So funny.)
I like the word "well." It allows time to think. It interrupts awkward pauses. It signals it's time to go. Beginning a letter that way makes you feel like you're already in the middle of a conversation. It is the universal ice breaker.
Then there's the other type of well. The deep chasm where water is drawn - the basis of all life. When I say "well" in a conversation, I like to think I'm digging deeper, reaching down to draw up something life-sustaining and precious.
(Or maybe I think too much? Entirely possible.)
Well, I've been excavating my well lately. Digging deeper. Trying to increase my capacity, my potential, myself.
I've been taking some classes. A weekly scripture course. An 8-week photography class. A weekly book club on steroids.
This latter well-digger-outer is called Five Pillars. (Wiki does a merely okay job of explaining.) I prefer calling it a "personal enrichment course," or maybe "leadership training," but that sounds kinda cheesy for every day conversation.
The idea is to improve ourselves by reading classics (on the list this year: Les Mes, tons of Shakespeare, Jane Eyre, etc.), writing essays, lots of discussion, and public speaking.
Homework. Lots of homework.
And I love it.
As I feel my well getting deeper, inch by inch, I'm staring to see others in a new light. Myself in a new light. I am asking questions I don't know the answers to, and eagerly searching to quiet my curiosity. I read books differently now.
I dog-ear pages, I take notes. I ask questions about the character, the motivations, the implications for my life. Then I write about it.
It's exhausting, all this well-digging.
But necessary in a drought.
I've been thirsty.
It sounds downright fantastic in the very best sense of the word.
Well, now.... :)
That's so very good for you...and I even see that you are also cursing baby fat to the deepest corner of outer darkness too! Good job!
Well, now doesn't that sound positively stimulating. good for you, Girl. I just joined a book club too and am loving it.
YAY! The same thing is happening to me. Feels good doesn't it :)
This thing sounds awesome! I love that you're doing it.
I would love a weekly book club, although I don't think I could hack timewise right now. Sounds amazing.
This is a sweet post. Sweet as in awesome, not aww. Very inspiring. Thank you.
I wanna do a book club on steroids! I don't even know what that is, but reading you makes me want to do one too.
Beautiful, thought-provoking, and inspiring. In other words...YOU.
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